iWON Data Systems in partnership with Warren Campion, has developed a program over the last 8 years to assist agencies take control of their business using technology working within peoples day to day activities.
Our experience comes from all levels gained from working with real estate offices in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Whether it’s selling or listing presentations, managing a real estate sales team, running customer service programs or handling a busy front desk to overseeing hundreds of Landlords and Tenants our support coaches and Real Estate Managment Strategists have been there.
We come with systems that we believe addresses the key real estate training and development areas for your company. This training regime once in place works towards your office gaining market dominance over the next 12 - 24 months, while developing the growth you wish to achieve in the organisation across the different real estate areas.
“The first thing you need to be aware of is that we don't run a set real estaet coaching programme, we tailor the coaching programme to your specific needs.”
The first thing we do is to get you to complete a questionnaire which then gives us a really good idea of where you have been and what you would like to do. Once we receive this questionnaire one of our real estate managment strategists will spend time with you over the phone going over your plan and start to key in the next step towards your pathway of growth.
We work alongside you each month assisting you to be the best you want to be.
What do you have access to?
Strategic Systems Audit This is done by completing a comprehensive questionnaire and then an office visit followed by an emailed report on our findings.
Access by Phone Phone conference calls booked in and organised each 28 to 42 days.
Real Estate Office Visits every 7 months to analyse and assess your business and sales team. This can be extended depending on what you require.
PLUS: - An RTI coach will assist in working on your 12 month business plan, Proactive email support, Access to members website for Management and Sales information.
"We like to put all Managers on a 7 day achievement sheet to assist in accountability."
We will cover the following management areas in full detail over the 18 month period. You receive a coaching manual and by the end of the 18 month period it will be one of the greatest resources that your company could have.
Your Vision |
Values |
Technology |
Recruitment |
Training |
Coaching / Mentoring |
Marketing |
Advertising |
Managing Enquiry |
Client Management |
Administration |
Budgets |
Property Management |
Staff and Culture |
Balance |
Family |
To speak to Warren Campion about any management matter call +61 2 8858 9800 or email warren@iwondata.com
Just one very focused day that can take your office, your team, your organisation rocketing to the level of performance.
How does your Real Estate Business Stack Up?
Do you really want to find out how you’re doing and how to move your sales team forward?
We are now offering a One Day Strategic Audit.
Now you can have one of the top real estate strategists and real estate technology system teachers in your office for the day. Have someone come in from the outside, look over your real estate office practice and see where it does or does not match up to the leading real estate sales performance's in Australasia!
Total focus on your real estate sales systems, your sales team and your desired direction!
We will come to your office and personally go through all of the following aspects of your real estate business with you:
- Looking over the physicality of your real estate agency - where it is situated, and where your opposition is situated.
- A walk in your area with you, with 'no holds barred’ comments on where we believe you should be situated in the property market place.
- Looking at the numbers for your area and helping you work out what is an achievable 'next level' of market share. This means turnover!
- Talking through the methods of sale that are deployed in your area, and helping you decide the best strategy for yourself and the company.
- Helping you go through the advertising being used, and determining the best way for you and the company to stand out.
- Chairing a meeting with the sales team and support staff or working with them on an individual basis, if required. We will then discuss what is required in terms of the ideal team, and how that can be achieved.
- We will check your sales presentation and scripts and dialogs training thoroughly, and make suggestions on the spot: how can you make your real estate sales presentation work better, and what changes should you incorporate?
- Lunch with you and your directors (if any) to discuss further challenges and changes that should be made.
- We can also organise a sales training session with your team for one hour at the end of the day to cover (with your permission) any of the main ideas and strategies that have come up throughout the day. With the approval of the directors, your team will receive motivation and a challenge: where can the company go?
- A debrief with the directors will then be held to sum up the strategies we believe are appropriate for you and the office.
- Afterwards you will be emailed a full report, detailing the ideas that have been put forward.
- You will receive a follow-up phone call after 30 days to cover the report and also your advancement.
- At the end of the day you will have answers to the many questions that currently take up a lot of your time and energy.
On top of all this you will know how to move forward. Do not hesitate. Call now to discuss how your real estate company can move ahead with confidence. There is no better investment than this available anywhere!
To full details contact Warren Campion on +61 2 8858 9800 or email warren@iwondata.com
How can you use me to increase your personal wealth
and continue your systemised business?
Since 1992 I have worked in Real Estate offices in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Working as a salesperson, consulting for management and training networks. From building Real Estate CRM systems, websites and assisting sales teams (peoples) performance and accountability. With my last consultancy deployment in the Middle East and my beginnings in Auburn NSW, no Real Estate project can be too big or too small
So what are my areas of strength?
Business management
Agency technology and web profiling
Property websites interactive crm systems
Accountability and monthly action plans
Recruitment and training
Business planning
We all hold the keys to our success, sometimes we just need a task master to unleash our potential when things get a little off track. Different strokes for different folks, and different people for different times. 2009 will be what you make it.
Business will not be easy but you have the skills and if you have the energy and drive it can be a solid business year. Not an easy one but a bankable one!
Menu for assistance:
1. Communication Hook Ups
Each 21 Days
2. Office Visits
Half Day
Full Day
2 Days
3. Database Performance Monitoring
Twice Monthly |
BOOK your first FREE 20
minute session to find a
solution or two and workout
if I am suitable for you and
your methodologies. |
Having a background of Real Estate training from most of the Australian trainers: McGrath, Gilchrist, Jenman, Woodward, Pittard, I understand how to align where you are now to where you want to go! You have the trainers, you have the systems, and now we can work together to have it all come together, so you have a systemised business model you enjoy working with.